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發表於 2012-11-19 14:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

If I start this small debate
The centre of the universe is up for sale
If my melody should fall
The tune is unimportant as I said before
Or should I say it was the words, I should

Standing in grey lantern light
Mavis looking sexy through her dress it shines
Hiding in the vestry she recites her lines, she says

I can't see you, I love you, I miss you
I can't see you, I love you, I do

If I feel God watching me
I control the actions of his destiny
All my sentiments ring true
You feel him in the mirror laughing back at you
If I could tell you how it seems, I would

If I start this small debate
The centre of the universe is gone for sale
So my melody should fall
The tune is unimportant as I said before
If I could tell you how it seems, I would       

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