本帖最後由 z24374203 於 2013-1-22 22:08 編輯
網站位址 : http://www.igvita.com/2013/01/15 ... on-web-performance/
Life of a web request: TCP, HTTP, SPDY, Mobile and Navigation Timing
Part one covers much of the underlying networking infrastructure, which you may not think about day-to-day, but which often dictates the delivery and consequent performance of your application:
- What is the impact of slow sites?
- What is "fast" and how are we doing today?
- Life of an HTTP request, TCP-up
- Faster networks will save us, right? (Mostly) Wrong!
- Bandwidth doesn't matter (much)
- HTTP 1.0/1.1 and TCP performance
- SPDY in 10 slides, or less
- Performance of Mobile networks
- Under the hood of Chrome's network stack
- Navigation Timing & Real user measurement (RUM)
Life of a webpage: DOM, CSSOM, rendering, acceleration
Part two picks up from slide 79 and is focused on the architecture and the execution model of the browser:
- Tokenizing, parsing, and construction of the DOM
- Building the Render Tree (DOM and CSSOM)
- Measuring visual & rendering performance
- Hardware acceleration 101
- Putting it all into practice on a synthetic example
- Critical Path analysis for guardian.co.uk
- Performance rules, tips and tricks to apply on your site
如果對於網頁有興趣的大大 這邊有視訊教學 感起來是位高手 如果看不懂 也有講義 可以自己慢慢看