本帖最後由 dblin 於 2016-3-25 19:27 編輯
【軟體名稱】:Wise Care 365 Pro v4.11.395
【檔案格式】:RAR (WinRAR 5.31)
【檔案大小】:8.4MB(Portable) + 6.4MB(Setup) = 14.8MB
系統優化工具Wise Care 365系統優化軟體是一款非常好用的系統工具軟體,大家一定對 Wise Care 365系統優化軟體不陌生,
單純希望有軟體幫你一件最佳化系統,讓速度不斷變慢的電腦可以稍微恢復正常,那 Wise Care 365 是個不錯的選擇。
Wise Care 365 Pro有著系統優化的功能,全面掃描系統垃圾,讓系統乾淨,安全。
Wise Care 365是全能型的系統優化軟件,它整合了以往推出的大批系統優化工具,可以對你的電腦進行全面的優化。
Wise Care 365 V4.11 (Mar. 24, 2016)
Wise Care 365 keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:
Add the system protection function.
Added some third-party software cleaning.
Fixed the sorting issue in big files manager.
Improved the usability of Wise Turbo.
Improved Windows Prefetch Data cleaning.
Improved localization and language support.
GUI Improvements.
Wise Care 365 Pro v3.98.361 (Portable + Setup)
(出處: 微剋多資訊)
